Titans Wiki

Hi, Marty-Ann. So I was right, you weren't homeless ;) But, neither are you kindhearted. or honest. I missed you, but you had more important things to do, I guess :) At least I know you are safe. You were an interesting enigma, although. You couldn't fool the God and Pimp of Raspussdish though could you? So, respectfully I'll say so long, my Devilish Diva, until we meet at the end of days.

Bye bye, Double-D. From your Long John Silver, Yuri the Fury aka Swarovski aka Svorovski aka Narimski and The Judge and the Jury!

P.S. I do wish you luck but I think I need it more now, and can't believe that your birthday is February 6 and mine February 9, yours 1988 and mine is 1978--crazy like the both of us, lol.

Bye Satan, I'm just glad I casted those demons out of you when I had a chance--great acting job!

P.S.2: And of course, Pimps Up and Hoes Down!

Best, אע