Titans Wiki

The Shortwave Positron Multiplier is a device created by Christine Bell that could multiply any chemical compound with pulses of high-energy positrons resulting in oxidative reactions in the pentose phosphate pathway.


Dr. Christine Bell created the Shortwave Positron Multiplier to help cure children with RPPD.

Dr. Jonathan Crane ordered Lady Vic to kill a group of surgeons and steal the Shortwave Positron Multiplier. The Titans later launched an investigation to discover the true purpose of the device. When the Titans found the device's creator, Doctor Bell they learned that Crane used a Surgical EKG Detonation Implant on her. Conner built a deactivator for the implant and saved the doctor's life and she explained the purpose of her creation to the Titans.[1]

Crane set up the Shortwave Positron Multiplier and his drug Manufacturing operation at at Mr. Freeze's abandoned lair, the Snowy Cones Ice Cream Factory. The Titans raided the facility and destroyed the multiplier.[2]


Season 3[]


  1. Levy, Joshua, Srinivasan, Prathi (writers) & Gomez, Nick (director) (September 2, 2021). "Lady Vic". Titans. Season 3. Episode 6. HBO Max.
  2. McCarthy, Kate (writer) & Gomez, Nick (director) (September 9, 2021). "51%". Titans. Season 3. Episode 7. HBO Max.